Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hunting with Gary


January 11, 2014 We took Buddy on his second hunt. It was a cold wet one this morning to say the least. Just after we pulled into the parking lot the sky opened up. It would have been real easy to just shut the tailgate and go back home. But I came to hunt, spend time with my brother, and my dogs!!
 After getting Grace out and collared up; I got Buddy Brittany out, strapped into his wheelchair, collared up, and ready to go.

With the cold and the downpour I wasn't expecting to see a lot, but that's why we call it "Hunting!" It wasn't long until we saw points without birds, fast moving tail waggin', and excitement in the dogs demeanors. There were birds, or at least a bird around here somewhere. We came into a patch of Multi-flora Rose and Honeysuckle at the edge of a 70 year old spoil pile. The dogs were about 50 yards apart all looking into the same spot. I saw movement as the bird came sneaking out between them. All 3 dogs held their points as I told Gary the pheasant was coming his way. Just as I was getting ready to release the dogs the bird took to the air and it nearly crashed onto my head as I missed the pic. Buddy quickly ran over for the retrieve, picked up the bird, and carried it for a bit. Sadly he dropped it and I didn't get that pic either.

 We'll work on that. Both the retrieving and the picture timing.
 Buddy Pointing for Gary
As we worked around the spoil pile the dogs trapped 2 more birds, but they were grouse, and they don't make their way into the game vest nearly as easily. I was very happy with Buddy's performance, and this was the first time Buddy and Grace hunted together.

A wet setter "Grace" following in Buddy's tracks!
Sorry for the quality of the pics. My hands were very cold, and my body was very damp.

Buddy with his first bird for us, as you can see he's already bored with it and wants to move on.

I'm not sure, but Buddy may be a child of the '60's. He chose the beanbag over the nice dog bed we bought him!!


  1. Buddy is so lucky to have someone to let him do what he loves.

  2. Happy for the family. He fits right in and everyone knew he was a born hunter and good dog.

  3. I'm just delighted to read about Buddy's continuing story. Thank you and your family so much for giving him the home he so deserves! LK Levine ABR volunteer in NY state

  4. Ah! Buddy! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. I thin I might have met him @ an event - Rosaryville Md I think? He was with a foster thrn and she was seeing what he could do . Everyone was so impressed with him.

  6. You are probably correct. His foster caretaker took him to a couple of field trials and he was able to get his Junior Hunter title.
    My daughter has currently undergone a kidney transplant, so between that and the unseasonably frigid weather, Buddy didn't get a lot of work. Buddy can't handle the cold for very long, so we have to keep a close eye on him. We will be getting Buddy out and working hard soon, and hope to get him his Senior Hunter!
